Last June 10, HDI Admix conducted its 2nd webinar entitled, The New Normal: Adapting to the New Consumer Behavior. Participants were able to watch it via zoom and Facebook live. It was moderated again by Mr. Bing Kimpo, he was joined by 3 business leaders from the food and restaurant industry and media agency.

It was an hour of realistic and relevant discussion on how businesses from different industries juggled the effect of this pandemic. It was a balanced discussion as speakers agreed with the sentiments of one another and moving forward, how they can help each other at this time of coping up with the new normal. The discussion gained compliments from the viewers as they started discussing the positive results of the community quarantine.

Some key takeaways from the webinar are:

  • Millennials teach Boomers when it comes to digital world
  • Boomers teach Millennials when it comes to analog living
  • Businesses should look and invest on social media as a tool
  • Help the economy to have semblance of normalcy.
  • For food and other similar businesses, assure the market on the safety of the products through the cleanliness of your employees
  • Regular customers are willing to purchase online (for takeout) even at a high price (without the restaurant experience)

You may view the replay of the webinar below: