PNA is a government news agency committed to give accurate information, as well as encouragement and uplifting contents to the community during this challenging time. To that end, HDI Admix was chosen to be an exclusive OOH partner to expand the reach of trustworthy information as part of its public service efforts.

With this partnership, PNA is now bringing this valuable information to the streets. You read it right, because these relevant news, particularly on COVID, are now airing on HDI Admix LED billboards to connect with the frontliners and other Filipinos who still travel to and from their workplaces.

To even reach more audiences, HDI Admix’s social media pages also share relevant news from PNA and public service announcements from our various partners. The best thing about this effort is that WE ARE DOING THIS FOR FREE. This is how we support our partners and fulfill our purpose of Aducating Filipinos.