2020 gave an unexpected turnover worldwide and countries were slowly transitioning into the ‘new normal’ way of living. In this new normal lifestyle, safety and proper hygiene became the highest priority, maybe it at home, at work, and even when having meals.
As consumers have remained at home, they have been dependent on delivery apps more than ever. From ordering food and basic essentials to doing groceries, safety practices make a difference in being free of the virus.
And with the shift in people’s daily routines, delivery services have been on-demand and eager to find ways of giving a safer and hassle-free delivery service in this new normal.

Foodpanda, one of the country’s known food delivery services, enhanced their usual process to a level up service and guarantee their customers a safe meal delivery. They look for ways to relieve everyone from unnecessary worries at these challenging times.
Now that we have entered the era of the new normal, we will surely miss hanging out and having a quick bite with our loved ones, but Foodpanda will always be there to re-create those moments. They are certain to bring your favorite shops to your home safe and secure.
Check their app: https://www.foodpanda.ph/